
Read customer’s Symphony reviews. How to contact Symphony customer care number? Call or write an email to resolve Symphony issues. Visit the company website or the help center for more information

About Symphony

Symphony Limited is an Indian multinational electronics company, with presence in over 60 countries is the world’s largest manufacturer of air-coolers, It is based in Ahmedabad and was established in 1988. It is a public limited, listed company, with operations in about 60 countries.

Our global offices address, Customer Care Number :


Office Address: Symphony House, FP12-TP50, Bodakdev, Off SG Highway, Ahmedabad-380059 India

Customer Care Number: 01(81) 8144-5400


Office Address: AYAX 611, Parque Industrial Kalos Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, 67205 Mexico

Customer Care Number: 01(81) 8144-5400


Office Address: Taiying Industrial Area, Hongmei Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, PRC,523160 China

Customer Care Number:

+86 769-2218-8788


Office Address: 26 Nylex Avenue, Salsibury, South Australia, 5108 Australia

Customer Care Number : 08 83075100


Address: 470 Mirror Ct., Ste 101, Henderson. NV 89011


Address: Av Pedra Branca, 184, Sala – 22 – CD04 Cidade de Palhoça, Santa Catarina- CEP 88137-270

Q When to write a review about Symphony

You can write a review if you had a recent genuine Symphony products or service experience.

Q What is the benefit of writing a review

Reviews are your chance to show your experiences with Symphony company with others and give feedback to the company

Q Add Images of company products or service

Visual materials that show you had an experience with the Symphony company like screenshots, a receipt, and order confirmation

Q Be honest: promos are not allowed

Keep your reviews about Symphony company relevant - don't include any promotional references, marketing material affiliated links, etc.

Q Check the Symphony Company Name you're reviewing

Sometimes mistakenly, people leave a review for Company A on Company B's profile page. So before review, please double-check the Symphony company you're reviewing.

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